What makes Edupoint tutors Special?
We have a select pool of Home Tutors ready to help your child succeed in school. They are qualified, capable & dedicated. In addition, they can create learning chemistry for success! A good tutor will always listen to a student’s concerns. These are then taken into account in the design of a lesson.
Home Tutors have subject mastery, therefore, they are able to transfer skills to their students. These skills are then used to effectively build knowledge. This is the best way to learn and achieve! Get to know our tutors and will see a difference & start academic success!
The right tutor is one that understands the learning needs of the student. We have many tutors that fits this requirement. We need your input before we suggest suitable tutors. The more information we have, the easier it would be to provide a list of suitable tutors.
A good educator is one that Inspire Hope, Ignite Imagination & Instill the Love of Learning