My Profile

About Me
Experience and Dedication: Experienced tutor with dedication to student success. Deep understanding of subject matter and ability to explain complex ideas in simple terms. Patient and supportive teaching style. Commitment & other details: Dedicated and motivating tutor, passionate about helping students achieve their goals. Adapt to learning styles and use positive reinforcement to keep students engaged. Rapport building: As a tutor, I believe that establishing a positive and supportive relationship with my students is crucial for effective learning. I take time to understand their individual needs and learning styles, and I create a welcoming and safe learning environment. During our sessions, I prioritise active listening and open communication to better understand their perspectives and support their goals. I also maintain clear and consistent communication with their families to ensure their success. In all, I am dedicated to building strong relationships with my students based on trust, mutual respect, and personalised support. Keeping Up with Curriculum: I make it a priority as a tutor to stay updated on the latest curriculum and educational standards. I understand the importance of adapting my teaching style to meet the needs of each student, and regularly collaborate with other educators to ensure my approach aligns with the best practices. I design my lessons to align with the curriculum and supplement my teaching with various resources. Additionally, I teach study skills, time management, and critical thinking skills to help my students succeed beyond the tuition session. As a Good Tutor: As a tutor, I consider it essential to be knowledgeable, dedicated, and engaged in helping students achieve academic success. I have a deep understanding of my subject matter and strive to adapt my teaching methods to meet each student’s individual needs. I am committed to providing a supportive and encouraging learning environment that fosters a love of learning and promotes academic growth. Tuition/Teaching Experience: Tutor 2023-Present FREELANCE, Singapore Personal tutor for various academic subjects for students in primary and secondary levels. Trainer 2023-Present SPEECH ACADEMY ASIA, Singapore Trainer for classes specialising in (but not limited to) public speaking for junior to advanced levels for students, and also adults. Evenings and weekends. ESL Lecturer 2022-Present CURTIN (UNIVERSITY) SINGAPORE, Singapore Conducted term sessions in General English for students as part of the Diploma of English for Academic Purposes programme. Provided after-class tuition sessions (voluntary attendance for students) and extra guidance sessions for weak students. To date, all students who completed the term under my tutelage have passed their module and advanced to the next stage. Tutor 2016-2022 FREELANCE, Brisbane QLD, Australia Conducted tutoring sessions in English, Maths and Science for students of higher primary and lower secondary levels. IT Teacher (as part of duties of IT Operations Manager / Admin Support) 2013-2014 AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC COLLEGE, Brisbane QLD, Australia Provided IT enrichment classes per state’s Department of Education syllabus for students ranging from Grade 3 to Year 10. Tutor Between 1992 and 2000 FREELANCE, Singapore Stints as tutor in various tuition centres and personal tutor. Hobbies: • Hiking/Camping • Visual art, Craft, Graphics Design, Video Production • Puzzles and Trivia (Member of Mensa Singapore and Australia)
Tutor’s Role
Home Tutor
Online Tutor
Location you wish to go
University Graduate
Educational History
University Graduate
Primary Levels
Secondary Levels
Additional Math
IB Diploma Level
International School Level

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