My Profile

About Me

I hold a Bachelor’s degree with double majors in English Language and Sociology, an Honours degree, and a Master’s degree in Sociology from the National University of Singapore (NUS). I was a recipient of the Chng Heng Lay Memorial Prize at NUS and the NUS Research Scholarship. I have also published in high impact, peer-reviewed international journals. As an undergraduate, I taught English as a relief teacher at East View Secondary School, Bedok South Secondary School and Temasek Secondary School during my long vacations. I have been a Senior Lecturer at Nanyang Polytechnic where I dedicated 31 years to teaching under the Ministry of Education. I have led the English Language Department and the English Programme, and have taught courses in English, Communication and Classical Music. Additionally, I hold Grade 8 certificates in Piano and Music Theory from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (UK).

Tutor’s Role
Home Tutor
Location you wish to go
Ex School Teacher
Educational History
Ex School Teacher
Post Graduate
Primary Levels
Secondary Levels
Tertiary Levels
(1) Research Methods in Health Sciences (2) Social Research Methods

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