Our Tutors

The first step in exceeding our customer’s expectations is to know those expectations!

Edupoint SG Tutors

With just a few steps you have found your ideal tutor!

Know the Fee Guideline

Tuition fees are dependent on market forces which is beyond our control. View Fee guidelines before tutor selection

View Tutor Profiles

Go through our Tutor Profiles. Use the filter feature to narrow your selections.

Select Tutors

Take note of the tutors’ usernames. Alternatively, we can do a manual search for you. Simply submit the Tutor Request below.

Submit Tutor Request

Fill in the form below & submit. Fill in 3 or more usernames (if possible).

We will process your Request

Have a cup of coffee & relax. We will get back to you before the next sunrise

We are Ready

Status will indicate if your selections are successful. More choices will be provided when all your selections are unsuccessful.

Finalise your Selection

Tell us your decision & we will help you to finalise all details. Tuition will commence soon after.

Option to Interview

If you prefer, we can arrange an interview with the successful tutor/s over Zoom or Google Meet.

Tutor Request Form

Please let us know your query.

View Our Tutors

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About Me
I am a good tutor. My students all excel under my supervision. My O Level students normally show a 2 or 3 jump in grades after about 3 months of tutoring. I ensure that the students understand the subject material before I hand out practises
Tutor’s Role
Home Tutor
Online Tutor
Location you wish to go
Current School Teacher
Educational History
University Graduate
Pre Primary Levels
Primary Levels



How come cannot find?

The likely reason is that your criteria is too restrictive. Most tutors do not teach more than 3 subjects at any level. Another factor might be your subject/s of interest has a tutor group predominantly of a particular gender. Insisting on another gender would restrict your available choices.

Many tutors prefer not to be listed online. Like most of us, we treasure our privacy. Contact us directly. Our tuition Specialists will have tutors in their private vault. We can match you with one of them for sure!

Can i have more choices?

Our tutor database is always growing. The tutor profiles has detailed listing of Tutor Qualification, Tutoring Areas & Tutoring Levels & Subjects. There is also a Tutor Bio where the respective tutoring styles, experience & previous students’ results are illustrated.

If you find that you need more choices, you can always Contact Us. We have a select list of Specialist Tutors who insist on not displaying their profile to the general public.

Many tutors prefer not to be listed online. Like most of us, we treasure our privacy. Contact us directly. Our tuition Specialists will have tutors in their private vault. We can match you with one of them for sure!

Where can I find more information?

Click on the tutor’s username. You will see all the information provided by the tutor

If you need more information on any tutor, please fill up a Contact Us form stating the username/s. We will then retrieve the requested information. Please note that not all information can be made public. Edupoint SG will solely determine the types of information that can be released.

I cannot find home tutor. How?

Home Tuition involves the tutor travelling to the student location. In some instances, this location could be remote from public transportation. In this case, Online Tuition would be a better fit as they is no travel required.

Many tutors prefer not to be listed online. Like most of us, we treasure our privacy. Contact us directly. Our tuition Specialists will have tutors in their private vault. We can match you with one of them for sure!

So many choices. How to choose?

Yes; this is the main pitfall of choice, you have to make one. If you find you have 3 or more tutors that fit all your criteria, it is not done yet. These tutors still need to have the availability to take the student at some prescribed schedule.

We recommend that you send us at least 3 choices & we will contact your choices with your schedule. From this we can see, who is the best fit!

I am too lazy. I dont want to find. Can you help?

Yes, let us know your requirements & we will make all the arrangements. You can submit a Contact Us form with all the tuition details & then sit back. We will do all the work!

Can i click on Username for more info?

Definitely a YES!

All information that is deemed for public viewing is listed in the Tutor Profiles. If you need further information, please submit a Contact Us form stating the tutor/s username/s

Please note that not all information can be made public. Edupoint SG will solely determine the types of information that can be released..

Home or Online Tuition? How to decide?

Online Tuition is only recommended for students in Primary 4 and above. Home Tuition caters to students of any age.

We would recommended Home Tuition for weaker students who need the benefits of face to face instruction. Online Tuition works best for independent students who exhibit fair to good subject proficiency.

You can talk to us & we can decide the best course of action according to your student’s learning profile.

Some got no photo, then how?

Uploading a Profile Image is at the sole discretion of the tutor. Some may rather not show the personal image for public viewing.

In any case, the tutors’ appearance has no bearing on their ability to teach.

Can i interview the selected tutor?

This is THE magical question. So whats the answer?

Yes you can. We will connect the selected tutor via Zoom or Google Meet

However, before we proceed, we need to firm up the following details.

  1. Fee
  2. Tuition Schedule
I want to start immediately. Can?

You can start as early as the next day or maybe even sooner. This all depends on tutor availability.

It is best to know your student’s learning profile & make arrangements early. One does not wake up one moring & decide their child is weak in Math. The signs will be evident months before tuition is even considered.

We urge all parents to be aware of their child’s difficulties & take action promptly.

Can have fast results?

Short answer, NO! Good results are an indication of subject proficiency. All students do not start from the same level so it might take longer for some rather than others.

We would insist on at least 3 months of tuition to see any improvement for an average student. Weaker student will most probably take longer.

Please do not wait till 1 month before major exams to book a tutor. It will help clear some concepts & doubts. There is definitely no time to lay foundation.

Can I get a cheap & good tutor?

Tutors with higher qualification & more years of experience will normally cost more. This is just the market force of demand & supply. It is best to decide on your budget & we can help you get the best tutor for that budget.

Send us your tuition requirements & we can start to work something out as soon as possible

Ready To Start?

Contact our Tuition Specialists now!
